Every ten years the UK completes a study on the nations Sexual Health.  The survey conducted by Lancet has found the following:

  • 82.1% of men and 77.7% of women (aged 16 to 74) had had at least one sexual partner of the opposite sex in the past year.
  • Women are reporting more sex, with the number reporting having had a male or female sexual partner in the last year having increased.
  • Women are having more oral and anal sex than ten years ago
  • 5.5% of women and 4.2% of men in all age groups have never had sex
  • 8% of men reported some sexual contact with another man during their lifetime
  • 11.5% of women reported some sexual contact with another woman during their lifetime
  • 3.6% of men, and 0.1% of women had paid for sex in the last year – increasing their risk of HIV and other STIs
  • 7.6% of men and 4.9% of women had had at least two sexual partners with whom they had not used a condom in the last year

The study has been valuable for both healthcare providers and commentators on changing society and its attitude towards sex and relationships. More people are having more sex to an older age than before, which also increases their exposure to HIV and STIs being transmitted later in life.  This shows that healthcare providers have to do more to ensure that everyone, no matter what their age is able to access sexual health.

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