Cases of gonorrhoea in England have soared by 25% over the past year, but what is responsible? British health officials have warned of strains of the Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) becoming more resistant to drugs due to overuse and misuse of antibiotics. Indeed, in 2008, a strain completely resistant to antibiotics was found in Japan.

Cephalosporins are the drugs normally used in treatment of gonorrhoea, however the UK Health Protection Agency (HPA) has noted growing resistance. As cases of drug-resistant gonorrhoea spread around the globe, preventing transmission has never been more important. Gwenda Hughes, head of STI surveillance at HPA, said: “We are seriously concerned about continuing high levels of gonorrhoea transmission and repeat infection.”

Using protection such as condoms – particularly if engaging in casual sex or sex with a new partner – can prevent infection. However regular testing for STIs is also highly recommended, especially considering that having one STI leaves you far more vulnerable to contracting other STIs, including gonorrhoea. Better2Know provide STI testing in clinics across the UK, and can deliver results to you between one and five days.

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