There are lots of organisations and people urging you to have an HIV test to find out your HIV status (and we are no exception – after all, it is Better2Know), the suggestion being that you will either be HIV negative or HIV positive once you know, but there is a new status of HIV neutral that we came across on the twitter-sphere, and thought we would like to know more about it.

The Stigma Project describes HIV neutral as “a state of mind, regardless of your HIV status, in which you are informed and aware of the constantly evolving state of HIV/ AIDS”.  The project is looking for ambassadors in every city across the globe to help end HIV and the stigma attached to people who have it, and to move towards a new way of thinking about HIV/ AIDS.

Better2Know thinks that an HIV and STD test which is simply part of your health care routine like going to the dentist and optician would help to reduce people’s fear of finding out their HIV status so that it is not something to hide or be ashamed about but simply a part of the person you are.

If you are looking for an HIV or STD test, then Better2Know can help with its nationwide network of clinics that can get you an appointment quickly and get you fast results.  Visit our website or phone us on the number above.

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