The Human Papilloma Virus, known as HPV, affects the epidermis and certain membranes that line different areas of the body such as the inside layer of the throat or mouth, the cervix, or the anus.

There are over one hundred different strains of the Human Papilloma Virus and it is very common. Statistics show that approximately 75 per cent of people have had the virus at some point during their lifetime. For the most part, HPV does not manifest any symptoms and our immune systems fight off the virus on its own. Also, HPV is seen more in younger people, which is attributed to the fact that our bodies build up immunity to the virus as we age.

There are types of the Human Papilloma Virus that can cause cells in the lining of the mouth, throat, or cervix to change. This strain of the virus is referred to as high-risk HPV. You may have heard these changes in cell composition called dysplasia, and when infected with this strain a person is at risk of the cells becoming cancerous.

There are other types of HPV, which are low-risk HPVs. They have the tendency to produce warts in the genital and anal areas. However, they can manifest on any part of the body. These strains of the Human Papilloma Virus do not change the composition of cells and do not become cancerous. Both men and women are susceptible to HPV, although we most commonly hear about concerns for women contracting the virus.

Better2Know provide private HPV testing nationwide across the UK which is 100% confidential and with fast results.

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