Many young men now admit to taking Viagra, even when they are just hoping they might “get lucky”. They report that the drug makes them feel aroused and they feel more confident because of this.
The drug can become addictive as it can increase the pleasure of orgasms as well as increasing the length of time and frequency they can have sex. Men taking Viagra see it as an antidote to drinking too much, as it still means they can last for hours.
This extra arousal may mean that men are perhaps quick to jump into bed and are not taking safe sex precautions, which could be increasing the spread of STIs amongst their partners.
As Viagra is readily, if not legally, available over the internet and has side effects, it is important to only take it responsibly and with the knowledge of your GP.
If you are worried you may have an STI or STD please contact Better2Know who will be able to help you.