In a drive to encourage more 16 to 24 year old people to be screened for Chlamydia, NHS Hounslow has turned to the internet and text messages. The London based care trust has set up an online service allowing its residents to request a Chlamydia self-testing kit; the results can then be received by text message, a phone call or by letter.
The NHS Hounslow care trust looks after the health of more than 200,000 residents living is West London and is writing to 19,500 young people to tell them about the new service. A spokesperson for the trust said: “Once you get the postal kit you need to give a urine or swab sample, which is then sent to a laboratory.”
Adding that, “The results are sent back by either text message or call or letter. If the result does come back ‘positive’, it is easily treated with one dose of antibiotics. I also advise that they make sure that their sexual partner also gets tested, as they may also need to be treated.”
Chlamydia is the most common STD in the UK amongst 16 to 24 year olds and the Hounslow trust hopes that its new electronic service will offer a more discreet way for young people to get tested.