Worried parents have expressed concerns that giving their 12 to 13 year old daughters the HPV vaccine will encourage them to have sex earlier.  A new study has found that this is not the case.

The study looked at girls in both the UK and the US and found that there was no noticeable difference in sexual activity between those who had and those who had not had the HPV vaccine.  A spokesman for the Catholic Church in Scotland has warned it could be seen as “giving the green light to promiscuity”, and over 24 schools in the UK have refused to participate in the in-school vaccination scheme.

900 women die of cervical cancer in the UK every year.  The Department of Health estimates that this will reduce to 400 with the HPV vaccination program, although the effects will take many years to be seen.

Better2Know offers the HPV vaccination in many of its private clinics across the UK.

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