Non specific Urethritis (NSU) is just that, “non-specific”. This means that you may:

  • have an itch
  • uncomfortable time when passing urine
  • unusual discharge
  • need to go to the loo more often.

It is a term used for an inflammation of the urethra, the tube from the bladder to outside of the body, where the cause is “non-specific”.

The condition is not transmitted sexually, but can sometimes have the same symptoms as some STDs and STIs.  Therefore it if does hurt when you wee, you may want to consider ruling out sexually transmitted infections such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, ureaplasma, mycoplasma and trichomonas. These can be passed on and can cause much worse conditions if left untreated.

NSU is more commonly diagnosed in men because women often have another cause which can be attributed to the same symptoms e.g. bacterial vaginosis, thrush and cystitis.

NSU can be treated with antibiotics.  If you have ruled out the major STDs and STIs your doctor will be able to prescribe you a course of antibiotics which should clear the inflammation.

If you think you may have NSU, and want to rule out STDs, then Better2Know suggests you have our Comfort Screen.  This is a urine only test.  It is available in all of Better2Know’s clinics.

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