What are the Chlamydia rates in London?

Public Health England has published the number of cases of Chlamydia per 100,000 people (aged 15 to 24) living in each borough in London. The lowest rates were in Harrow (1,065 cases per 100,000 people) and the highest is in Lewisham (5,434 cases). The London average is 2,200 Chlamydia cases per 100,000 people in the population.  

Rise in number accessing HIV treatment

In 2015, there were 88,769 people in the UK who were HIV positive and accessing treatment according to Public Health England.  Around 70% of these are men.  This is a significantly larger number than in 2006, which shows the improvement made in HIV treatment in the last ten years.  The average age of people accessing treatment has increased from 39 to 45 in the last ten years.

HIV in 2016: How many people are accessing HIV treatment?

The latest report from Public Health England shows that the number of people accessing HIV treatment in England is growing.  While there has been over 6,000 new diagnoses in England in 2015, the growing numbers accessing treatment show that the infection is no longer the threat to life it once was.

What I did on my summer holiday

With most of our summer holidays fast becoming only distant memories, its worth reflecting on just what we got up to during our last summer break. A recent study of over 12,000 British men and women ranging in ages from 16 to 74 has revealed some shocking statistics. The study found that almost 1 in 10 men and 1 in 20 women reported having a sexual relationship with a new partner whilst they were overseas. Furthermore, well over half of the new sexual partners for those in the survey were not residents in the UK. To be clear, this means that when we Brits go overseas on our holidays, a very large proportion of us have sex with one or more people who are not from Britain whilst we are away.

Gonorrhoea Resistance Continues

The strain of drug-resistant Gonorrhoea continues to spread in the UK.  As we have reported before, the STI has been drug resistant for some time for some strains, with the drug-resistant strain first showing in the UK last year.  It is being found in heterosexuals and MSM in London, Leeds, the West Midlands and Southern England.

Sexual Health Testing Week Survey

This week (12 to 18 September 2016) is Sexual Health Testing week.  The week aims to encourage more people to get tested across the UK and to prevent the spread of STIs.  The week also aims to let people know about the range of testing options available to them.

Chlamydia Testing in London with Better2Know

London has a high number of sexually active people. With more people having more sex with more partners, STIs like Chlamydia are more common. Chlamydia often has no symptoms, which is one of the reasons why it is so common, as people do not realise they have it. However, a long term Chlamydia infection can cause serious health and fertility issues for both men and women.
Choosing to have a Chlamydia Test can be the hardest decision for many Londoners. There is a lot of information about Chlamydia, and there are all manner of different ways to get tested. Whatever you choose, getting tested is the most important thing.

Jersey HIV Testing: What are my options?

Better2Know can help you to have an anonymous and confidential HIV Test in Jersey. We do not need to know your real name at any stage of the process. We will get you your test results quickly and anonymously.
We do three HIV tests in Jersey :

HPV Vaccines in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland is the first place in the UK which is making the HPV vaccine available to men as well as women. The vaccine will be offered to men who sleep with men who are aged under 45 at Sexual Health Clinics across Northern Ireland.

Is there a vaccine for Chlamydia?

Scientists in Canada, have been researching a vaccine against Chlamydia. The vaccine decreases the speed at which the infection replicates in the body.  The vaccine is not likely to be tested in humans for some years. Chlamydia can cause long term damage to the reproductive system and lead to infertility if not treated.

Instant STI tests now available in Glasgow

Better2Know is now offering instant STI Testing in Glasgow.  At our Glasgow clinic, our friendly clinicians will help you to get the fastest possible STI tests.  Results are available in just 20 minutes while you wait.

Do I need a Chlamydia test? Choosing the right test for you

If you have had unprotected sexual intercourse, then you are at risk of all STIs including Chlamydia. Chlamydia often has no symptoms. The only way to know if you have Chlamydia is to get tested.
Better2Know offers you a choice of Chlamydia testing:

Sexual Health Clinic in Sheffield

Our Sheffield Sexual Health Clinics are open seven days a week. We can help you to get tested for all STIs , including HIV, Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea. Simply call the booking team or book your appointment online.

HIV Testing in Liverpool

Better2Know can help you to get your <em>HIV Test in Liverpool</em>.   If you are worried about your HIV Status, or think that you have recently contracted HIV from a potential recent exposure.  Better2Know are here to help you.  We have <em> Sexual Health Clinics across Liverpool </em> where you can receive an HIV or STI test.

Summer STI Testing in London

One of the busiest times of the year for us is the period immediately before and immediately after the summer holidays. Londoners want to get tested for STIs before they go away, and again when they come back. This gives them the peace of mind to enjoy their summer holidays and all this entails. London has a higher percentage of single people than the UK average, and private STI testing is very popular.

Taking care of your sexual health during festival season

It’s Glastonbury time!  The start of the summer holidays and with plenty more festivals to come, the Better2Know team are looking forward to the music and parties.  With the excitement, new people, party atmosphere, booze and more, it is lose track of your normal self and engage in new activities.  When it comes to sex, most festival organisers recommend people bring condoms with them.  

When Should I get an STI Test?

A number of calls to our booking team come from patients who are worried they may have been exposed to an STI in a recent incident.  They tell us that their exposure was just the night or a couple of days before their call. They can be disapointed when we explain they should wait for a couple of weeks. That is because there is not a single right answer for when to be tested for recent exposure to STIs. Each type of infection develops at a different rate in everybody.

Can I catch an STI from my sex toy?

The short answer is yes. It is possible to catch an STI from a vibrator and other sex toys. Most STIs cannot survive outside the body for long. However, you should never assume that if you leave it long enough, they will disappear. Infections such as Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, Herpes and HPV can certainly be transferred by sharing sex toys. Do not share any sex toy that may draw blood from the skin, because this type of sex toy can pass on bloodborne infections.

Belfast STI Testing

Better2Know brings you private, confidential and accurate STI testing with fast results in Belfast and across Northern Ireland. We will arrange your anonymous appointment with one of our trained clinicians who will answer any questions that you have. We provide fast results and can even give you your results while you wait in clinic.

STI Test Edinburgh

Better2Know is the UKs leading private provider of STI and STD testing services.  We have a choice of sexual health clinics across Edinburgh.  They are open seven days a week, including some bank holidays.  We can help you to get fast and accurate results if you are worried you have an STI.

HIV Test London

We can help you to get your HIV test in London today.  All our appointments are confidential.  Our HIV testing service has fast results.  We have clinics across London for your HIV test.

HIV Test in Manchester

The right HIV test for you depends on your own circumstances.  We have four different HIV tests in Manchester.  They vary by the time it takes to get results, and how long it has been since any incident you are concerned about.  Our Manchester HIV Testing Clinics are open seven days a week. 

Gonorrhoea Antibiotic Resistance in the UK

Gonorrhoea resistance to antibiotics is now becoming more widespread in the UK.  As regular readers will know, we have been blogging about the STI’s resistance for the last few years.  However, the first cases are now in the UK with 24 reported since November 2014.

STI Testing with Fast Results

Better2Know can arrange STI testing with the fastest possible results in the UK.  We have results while you wait in the clinic for HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. We can also test for these six well known STIs in our lab with results the next day.

PrEP may no longer be available on the NHS

Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medication taken by someone who is HIV negative, who have an HIV positive partner, to help to prevent them from contracting HIV.  The NHS has recently concluded that this life saving medication (which is cheaper than the medication for someone who is HIV positive) is not its responsibility, and so it will no longer fund the drug.

Truvada update – the pill that helps prevent HIV

Truvada, the once-a-day drug to prevent infection with HIV could be offered to thousands of men on the NHS.  Truvada, is pre-exposure prophylaxis medication(PrEP). It prevents new infections by killing the virus before it has a chance to take hold in the body.  A report has found that giving PrEP alongside regular HIV testing and early treatment to a quarter of men at high risk of contracting the virus could prevent more than 40% of new infections, and there are calls for it to be available through the NHS.

Sex on holiday may increase risk of STIs

The risk of developing an STI from having unprotected sex on holiday is much higher than it would be at home. An individual is three times more likely to acquire an STI if they are having unprotected sex abroad.

An estimated two-thirds of people, when they travel abroad, do not use condoms or use them inconsistently which also accounts for these high figures. Oral sex is riskier than people realise as STIs can also be transmitted this way. Increased alcohol or drug use, freedom from the usual social restraints and peer pressure are some of the reasons attributed to the higher risk of developing an STI abroad.
If you have had an encounter, whilst on holiday or travelling abroad, testing is encouraged as many STIs do not show any symptoms but you may still have been exposed. If someone has sex with a new partner on holiday it is recommended that they be tested when they return home. It is also recommended that the tests they take should include, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, syphilis and HIV as the number of patients developing these infections whilst abroad has increased greatly in recent years. At Better2Know we can test for individual infections and we have screens where we can test for several infections with one appointment. We can offer tests to patients as soon as 10 days after the incident they are concerned about. Our Early Detection Screen can test for HIV, Hep B & Hep C from 10 days after an incident and we have our Peace Of Mind Screen which can test for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea and Syphilis from 14 days after the incident. If you would like to book an appointment please call the number above.

Could I have an STI and not know it?

The answer to this is yes, it is possible to have an STI and not know it. STIs will not always show symptoms or they may have mild symptoms that can be mistaken for other conditions.  Most STIs do not have any symptoms, here are three of the most common:

Mycoplasma infections are rising

There are at least 17 different types of Mycoplasma known to be present in humans. Mycoplasma genitalium or MG, known since 1981, is a bacterium which is believed to reside in the urinary and genital tract and is increasingly becoming considered as a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Gender parity and sexual health

March 8th is International Women’s Day and this year the theme is gender parity. A balance between genders is important for so many reasons and one area of mutual responsibility should be sexual health. Any type of sex can result in a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and in any kind of relationship, including heterosexual relationships, men and women can both catch STIs and can both spread STIs to one other. Men and women can both have a sexually transmitted infection without any symptoms, and therefore either may pass on an infection without knowing it.