HPV Infection and its role in Head and Neck Cancers

A recent study into the possible role of HPV (the Human Papillomavirus) in certain types of head and neck cancers has revealed some fascinating insights. The rate of HPV associated head and neck cancers, and in particular throat cancer has increased markedly over the last 4 decades. This is set against falling numbers of non-HPV induced head and neck cancers, giving strong argument to the fact that HPV is directly responsible for the majority of these illnesses.

One in Ten Women have Chlamydia

A new survey shows that young women aged 16 to 25 are recording the highest levels of chlamydia ever recorded, with most people having no idea they were carrying the infection.  Usually symptoms, if they occur, will be noticeable in the first two weeks of infection, or not at all. Figures from the Public Health Laboratory Service show that 9% of sexually active women under the age of 25 have the infection.

Smear Tests – What if my test is Abnormal

Do not panic!  Around 1 in 20 Smear Tests come back abnormal.  Having abnormal smear test does not mean that you have or will have cervical cancer.  It is sensible though to do some further tests to find out why.  These tests can help to stop you developing cervical cancer, or to make a full recovery.  

No time for an STI Test? We have the answer

The Better2Know Everywhere service is the first service in the UK where we Come2You for your STI test.  This means that you do not have to spend time and money travelling to an appointment, your nurse will Come2You Everywhere.  This includes your work, home or hotel, in fact everywhere where we can take a blood sample and/or you can provide a urine sample.

Gonorrhoea Medication and Treatment

Read the Better2Know response to the Guardian’s article on Gonorrhoea and online prescribing: click here. Our comment is published below the article.

Third Age Sex Recent Study Results

In a recent study of 6,000 men and women aged 50 to 90 by the Universities of Manchester, Leeds and the National Centre for Social Research, 1 in 3 of those questioned were having sex at least twice a month.

HPV and Alcohol: Is there a link?

A new study has concluded that “Men who consume more alcohol have a greater risk of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection”. HPV is the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted virus. There are many types of HPV, which are responsible for most cases of cervical cancer, other cancers in both men and women, and genital warts.

What happens at my STI test with Better2Know?

The answer to this question is: with Better2Know it is up to you.  We have a variety of different places where you can have your STI test.  So if you want to ask the doctor a lot of questions, or whether you would really prefer to go somewhere to have your samples taken and then leave as quickly as possible, we have the location for you. With our Everywhere service, you can also get tested at home or work.

Helping those with HIV in Botswana

In June 2014 we were very excited to welcome 11 young people from Botswana to our homes in Newcastle. With the aim of sharing in fellowship, friendship and hospitality, this marked the start of Diocesan Youth Exchange. When the Batswana youth were here, the joy and liveliness that surrounded them was undeniable. They sang spontaneously in perfect harmony in any location – even the local Weatherspoon’s! While they shared this passion and talent for singing with many churches and schools across the north east, a great melody was not something we were able to offer them during our return visit!

50 Shades the Movie

50 Shades of Grey may not have been the best written book in the world, but it has certainly changed the way people read sexual fantasies (e-readers are perfect as no one can see what you are reading) and has made people more confident to explore different aspects of sex.

STI Update and Statistics from Public Health England

Public Health England collects all the NHS STI test results and publishes the overall results.  With Better2Know, your results are not included in this data, but they make interesting reading.  Here are the key points:

  • There were 450,000 STI diagnosis in England in 2014

Campaigns encourage STI testing on Valentine’s Day

STIs are not the usual topic of conversation on Valentine’s Day. The day is a celebration of love and not sex. However, there have been a number of campaigns over the years to use Valentine’s Day to encourage people to come forward for testing. Here are some of our favourites.

Dating Apps May Lead to Increase in STI transmission

Doctors are worried that the increase use of dating apps on mobile devices has led to an increase in the number of STIs.  Apps which find people who want to have sex, near to where you are now are very popular with 20 and 30 years olds.  Gonorrhoea cases have increased 15% and Syphilis has increased 9% in recent years.

28 days after the Office Party…..

How was your Christmas party?  Chances are that if you are on the Better2Know web page, you might be a bit worried about who you went to bed with that night, and any lasting STI present that you might have caught.  Don’t worry, you are not alone.  We are here to help.  There are thousands of people every year who get carried away at Christmas, and we understand that you want your results quickly and confidentially.  At 28 days after the incident you are concerned about you can be tested for:

Could a new condom increase both protection and pleasure?

When used properly, condoms are a very effective and low cost method of preventing unwanted pregnancies and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Although the condom is such a popular and convenient choice of contraceptive, researchers continue to look for ways of making sex even safer and making condom use feel more natural.

Dr Mahua Chowdhury, Assistant Professor at the Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy at the Texas A&M Health Science Centre has developed a ground-breaking new male condom. Currently, condoms are made from latex which can cause allergic reactions and some may argue reduces sexual pleasure. Chowdhury’s new design uses a water-based gel, similar to the gel used in contact lenses.

HIV Transmission – A New Study

A new report has concluded that “The Majority of new HIV infections among MSM in the United Kingdom in 2001-2020 is expected to be accounted for by a small group of highly sexually active individuals under the age of 35 years, living with undiagnosed HIV in the asymptomatic stage”.  Let’s explain what that means…..

The evolution of HIV and a new study

A new major study by a team at the University of Oxford, have found that the HIV virus is becoming less deadly and infectious.  The virus is adapting to our immune system and changing the way it behaves.

British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes

The latest survey from NATSAL (the British National Surveys of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles) questioned over 15,000 men and women aged 16 to 74 between September 2010 and August 2012.  The results, from the third National survey (the last one was 1999 to 2001) shows some interesting changed in our attitudes to Sex. 

Age is no barrier to sex (or STIs)

A recent article by Jane Usser, Professor of Women’s Health Psychology, Centre for Health Research at the University of Western Sydney challenges an assumption that women of a certain age no longer wanting to have sex.

When one partner has an affair

Many relationships go through bumpy periods and sometimes come to an end when one or both partners have been unfaithful. The breakdown of a relationship can be an emotional and very stressful time. Sometimes relationships can recover from an affair, but after an incident of infidelity it is always a good idea to not risk your health or the health of your partner and to have an STI and STD check.

World AIDS Day: December 1

World AIDS Day is on 1 December every year.  See our blog last year for a look at the history of the Day. This year Better2Know will be supporting the Terrence Higgins Trust for every HIV test which is booked through us from 24 November to the 7 December. We will make a donation to the charity to help them to support people who are affected by HIV.

Oral vs Genital Herpes: What is the difference?

Better2Know tests for two types of Herpes.  They differ in where they affect you and the creams to make the outbreaks less bothersome are also more effective on the right viral type. Herpes Type 1 is oral herpes, very common, and is the leading cause of most cold sores around the mouth.  Herpes Type 2 is genital herpes, less common, and is the leading cause of blisters and rashes in the genital area.

Can HPV be detected with a urine test?

HPV is the Human Papillomavirus, most commonly associated with cervical cancer in women.  There are over 100 types of HPV, around 40 are thought to be sexually transmitted.  Of these, 15 are “High Risk” for being present in people who go on to develop cancer.  The most common cancer they are associated with is Cervical Cancer in women, but they are also found in other cancers such as: penile, anal, throat, mouth, ovarian.  Low-Risk HPVs include those which are responsible for most cases of genital warts.

Anal sex research from the British Medical Journal

A recent study by the BMJ has found that there should be a more open discussion about anal sex for both men and women. The study found that young people, especially women, find anal sex painful and pressured into having it, and then not knowing who to talk to about it.

Instant Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea Tests

Better2Know is always looking to bring you the fastest test results.  We have been researching the various options, and there is, finally, a test that we feel is reliable enough to offer you instant Chlamydia and Gonrorhoea testing at selected clinics in London, Manchester, Liverpool, Cardiff, Bristol, Belfast and Milton Keynes.

Sexual Health for MSM in London

A report by Public Health England in September 2014, shows that MSM (Men who have sex with Men) are at a higher risk of contracting and passing on an STI.

The report found that MSM made up 2% of London’s population (thought the be higher than elsewhere in the country) but accounted for 24% of new STIs in 2013.  The report found:

  • Of all the new cases of syphilis in London, 84% were in MSM.
  • 65% of new cases of Gonorrhoea in London were in MSM
  • 1 in 12 MSM in London are HIV positive, which has increased by 88% in the last ten years
  • Over 50% of all new cases of HIV in London are in MSM

In good news: the report found that most MSM had had a sexual health check, and the take up of screening was increasing (which is one reason that more STIs are being found – more people are getting tested).  Less than half of MSM had had an HIV test in the last year.

The report recommends various things to Public Health Boards, but in particular for MSM:

  • to have an STI screen including HIV at least once a year (the report is silent on which STIs they suggest are included in this screen), and every three months if you have multiple partners
  • to use condoms consistently with all new and casual partners, and with longer term partners until they have had an STI test
  • to reduce the numbers of partners and to remove overlap of partners
  • Sero sorting is unsafe.  This is only have sex with someone you believe is the same HIV status as you.  For people who are HIV positive, this increases their risk of another STI e.g. Hepatitis C, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis which the body will have to work much harder to fight, and for HIV negative men it carries the risk of HIV infection.

Better2Know’s medical team has put together three STI screens specifically tailored for MSM.  These are comprehensive screens put together by experts to meet and exceed Public Health England’s requirement for an annual STI test.  If you have any further questions please ask us below or on the phone number above.




HIV discrimination reported in China

Local media in China has reported that three people were refused boarding for a plane on Spring Airlines at Shenyang airport in Liaoning province in North-East China.  Two of the men were HIV positive.  The men have taken their case to court accusing the airline of discrimination.  The country’s first HIV discrimination case was dismissed in 2010 when a teacher claimed his status was the reason he was not given a job.

Sexual Health Week 2014: Emergency Contraception

All this week has been Sexual Health Week, the focus this year is on emergency contraception.  You may have seen some of our tweets.  Sexual Health Week is organised by the FPA every year to raise issues surrounding sexual health.

WHO say all Gay Men should take HIV drugs

The World Health Organisaion (WHO) has said that all gay men should take anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs) to help prevent the spread of HIV.  Although HIV is higher in gay men than in the homosexual population, it is by no means “all” gay men.  Asking everyone to take strong medication is not the answer.  It is as easy to forget to take your drugs as it is to not wear a condom.

Thinking about getting tested after a holiday romance?

The summer months, sunshine and seaside have been tempting Brits overseas for years, but if you are recently back or about to go, you will not be the only person visiting our website who has had a holiday romance or passionate encounter.