Better2Know Home STD Test Sample Collection Customer Survey

Better2Know recently surveyed the customers who bought STD testing services on its home STD testing service. Better2Know does not provide home tests which you may have read about in the press. Often these tests give instant results at home, but they are not accredited, and do not have as high a level of accuracy as our lab based tests.

Results from our survey:

All of the respondents said that our website was easy to use, they were able to find what they wanted and that the payment process was easy to understand.

All of our customers rated the time of getting results from when they sent the sample in to the laboratory and retrieving them from the website as good or very good.

Over 96% of our customer said that our STD testing kits were delivered when they had expected them.

Over 96% of our customers said that it was easy to contact us – since receiving this feedback we have introduced a new 24 hours a day, 7 days a week phone number to get to 100%.

Our customers choose Better2Know Home Sample Collection because:

It was convenient for them, as they cannot go to an STD clinic during opening hours – since receiving this feedback we have been working really hard to find more clinics with late night and week end opening hours, we now have them in: London, Edinburgh, Manchester, Chester and Liverpool.

Customers also liked their STD testing results being delivered by email, and the confidential discreet service – your name does not appear on anything sent to our laboratory, and we do not have to put your real name on the envelope sending the kit to you.

Better2Know provides confidential STD tests at clinics and at home for thousands of patients every year. If you have any questions please contact us by phone on the number listed at the top of the page or email: we will respond to you on the same day.


What is Chalmydia?

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a bacterium (a microscopic organism) that lives as a parasite inside human cells. Approximately 80% of women and 50% of men show no symptoms of chlamydia after infection. When left untreated, Chlamydia can permanently damage the sexual organs leading to infertility in women and in men. Chlamydia in women can infect the cervix and urinary tract and can cause pelvic inflammatory disease when it reaches the fallopian tubes. In men chlamydia can infect the urinary tract causing swelling or inflammation of the testicles. Gone untreated, Chlamydia can be very harmful so it is important to get an STD test regularly, which includes a Chlamydia test.

There are several chlamydia tests available: Better2Know uses a CPA accredited laboratory for your STD test, so you can be assured that your STD testing results are accurate.

How is Chlamydia treated?

Chlamydia is curable and can be treated with a course of antibiotics. You can receive a prescription at any of the Better2Know clinics. If left untreated, women may develop Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). In addition, Chlamydia in pregnant women can lead to increased risk of miscarriage, preterm delivery and potentially fatal tubal (ectopic) pregnancy. In men, Chlamydia may also reduce fertility. If the baby is exposed during delivery, he or she could suffer from eye infections or pneumonia.

Testing for Chlamydia

You can be tested for Chlamydia at any of our 60 STD testing clinics, or with our home Chlamydia STD testing kits. Chlamydia is part of our full screen and peace of mind screen, or can be booked on its own.

Poor sexual health is a ‘major concern in the UK’

Terrence Higgins Trust‘s Chief Executive, Sir Nick Partridge, comments on the new Public Health Outcomes Framework published today: “Poor sexual health is a major concern in the UK so it’s vitally important there are specific indicators for both HIV and chlamydia screening. Whilst undiagnosed chlamydia can cause infertility and affects as many as nearly 1 in 15 young people, late diagnosed HIV (HIV tests performed a long time after the infection) causes severe ill health, further HIV infections and an earlier death.”

“These two indicators will tell us whether we are getting our sexual health prevention messages right and whether we are getting enough people through the doors to test. They also give us an opportunity to refresh what we are doing on sexual health in communities, focus on specific local needs and tie approaches in more closely with other public health problems like alcohol and drugs misuse.”

Better2Know provides confidential private STD testing (including Chlamydia and HIV) at over 60 sites across the UK. We do not need your real name, and our results are the fastest possible.

Research into Hepatitis C Vaccine at Oxford University

A new vaccine for Hepatitis C has shown good results from researchers at Oxford University.

The Hepatitis C virus, which can be passed on by sexual intercourse or sharing needles was only identified in 1989, and unlike Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B, does not have a vaccine.  Hepatitis C can be controlled with anti-viral drugs once identified.

The Hepatitis C virus may not cause any symptoms or effects on the body for years, but can cause considerable liver damage.  In the US, the number of Hepatitis C related deaths is doubling every year.  In the UK, the number of people with the Hepatitis C virus is estimated at between 400,000 and 500,000 with over half of them not realising they have the virus.  The World Health Organisation think the global figure is 170 million.

The Chief Executive of the Hepatitis C Trust said: “There has been rapid development in drugs to treat hepatitis C, but vaccine development has lagged behind.  Yet, if we only treat existing infections, we will always be behind the curve.”  To see more on this story please click here.

Better2Know can test for Hepatitis C at all of its nationwide STD testing clinics.  It’s a simple blood test and your results will be ready within one day of your sample being received in the laboratory.

Leading HIV support Charities criticise HIV care in London

Leading HIV charities have claimed that the support offered by London Local Authorities is not sufficient for the HIV+ population. The commissioning of services for the HIV+ population has been said in a report to have “no clear strategy”. There is a budget of £3.2m funded by the Local Authorities for the Pan London HIV Prevention Programmee (PLHPP).

HIV treatment in London currently costs £500m a year and supports 30,000 people, with the PLHPP focusing on gay men and African communities. The number of HIV+ people in London is rising by 5% (1,500 people) a year, and services need to grow to meet this demand, over half of those who are newly diagnosed are heterosexual people. 26% of people who are HIV+ do not know their status which means 10,500 people may be having unsafe sex and be spreading the virus.

To book your HIV Test in London please call the number above, Better2Know can also book you a full STD screen and other individual STD tests.

I’m itchy, does it have to be an STD?

Well the answer is no, and first of all it depends where you are itchy. But let’s say, as after all this is a sexual health blog, that it’s “down there”. So, there are lots of reasons why you might be itching, some of them can be caused by an imbalance of bacteria in your vagina or urethra (this is men too!) and this could be an overgrowth of your own naturally occurring bacteria, or an infection picked up from a partner who has an overgrowth, so you and your partner can both have an infection that has been passed on sexually without being unfaithful.  It’s really important to understand this in the context of itching in an exclusive relationship.

So there are some bugs that we can test you for that are the most common cause of itching, if you are itchy and have one or more of the following symptoms (even on a temporary basis), you should consider our Comfort Screen:

  • unusual smell
  • burning when urinating
  • pain
  • swelling/ redness

Our Comfort Screen is available in all our clinics across the UK, as well as available as a home sample collection, and will test you for the most common causes of itching. If you are female you can also consider our female swab which takes a look at the bacteria in your vagina to see what’s growing that shouldn’t be.

Treatment of STIs through the years: Syphilis

The treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections has moved on almost as much as the name we use to describe them: Venereal Diseases (VD) Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) etc.

Syphilis in the 1400s was rife across Europe and as many as 10% of all men carried the disease (which can be fatal) by the 19th Century. Syphilis was associated with the use of prostitutes and gay sex and carried such a social stigma that most carriers did not want to consider treatment for fear of social disgrace. This secretive nature helped the disease spread.

Most soldiers were aware of the consequences of sexual activity, but it did not seem to stop them. During the First World War (1914-1918) there were over half a million hospital admissions for STIs. Syphilis infection rates remained high during the Second World War (1939-1945), but the advent of penicillin helped to treat this disease.

Public health prevention services concentrated on the military and prostitutes not coming into contact with each other in attempt to limit the spread of the disease, as it was these groups which had the highest infection rates.

The treatment used to be the application of mercury which has a number of distressing side effects and was of limited effectiveness, a drug called Salvarsan was developed in the early 1900s.

Syphilis can be easily and quickly detected in a blood test which takes less than one day to run in the laboratory. Happily these days, once identified it can be easily treated and death is preventable.

Book your syphilis STD test today with Better2Know as part of our Peace of Mind Screen or Full STI Screen.

Top 5 Reasons to have an STD test in 2013

If having an STD test with Better2Know is not one of your New Years Resolutions, then here are 5 reasons why you should reconsider:

  • Having an STD test is easy to do and an easy resolution to keep
  • No one else needs to know – you can use any name you like
  • Results come quickly – from 1 to 5 days depending on the tests you choose
  • You are ready to go when you meet your perfect (or next) partner
  • It’s Better2Know!

I’ve got an HPV – will I get Cervical Cancer?

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is one of the leading (but not only) causes of Cervical Cancer. The exact number of HPVs is not known, but there are over 40. These are mostly thought of as low risk which can cause genital warts and high risk if they might lead to Cervical Cancer. Very few are considered high risk. The risk level relates to the likelihood you will develop Cervical Cancer not how risky your sexual activity is.

If you have an HPV, do not panic about cancer, it is thought that 83% of sexually active women will get an HPV, and most women do not get Cervical Cancer. Knowing that you have an HPV and then keeping your immune system healthy can prevent reoccurrence. There is no cure for HPV but most immune system can keep the virus suppressed within two years of infection. It is when your body cannot suppress the virus that it may cause changes in the cervix which may then lead to cancer.

Cervical cancer is very slow to develop and can be detected on a PAP smear test, and early detection is key to successful treatment. If you are a sexually active women and have not had a PAP smear for three years, Better2Know can arrange one for you.

The Department of Health in the UK now recommends Gardasil as a vaccine against four HPV that cause genital warts and cervical cancer.

You can reduce your risk of Cervical Cancer from HPV if:

  • You are older when you first have sex
  • You have a monogamous relationships/ few sexual partners
  • Use Condoms
  • Get vaccinated
  • Have regular PAP smear tests

Better2Know is the UK’s largest private provider of STD tests. We can test for all HPVs and other STDs. We have clinics across the UK and we do not need your real name to book an appointment. Call us today on the number provided at the top of the page.

For more information click here.

Syphilis is on the increase in the UK

A report has shown a sharp rise in the number of syphilis cases in heterosexual teenagers in the UK. Clusters are being seen in Teesside, Hampshire, Rochdale and Scotland.

It can take months for outbreaks to be identified as syphilis can take 9 to 28 days for symptoms to occur. In this time, many new people can be infected if a person does not know that they are a carrier, and have not been tested or treated.

Early diagnosis and treatment are seen as crucial to prevent the spread of syphilis. Telling previous partners of any positive diagnosis is also essential and encourage them to get tested.

Syphilis can be easily treated with antibiotics and, if it is caught early enough the patient will make a full recovery with no lasting effects. Left untreated, syphilis can be fatal when it reaches its fourth stage.

If you are worried you may have syphilis, Better2Know can test you at any of our 60 nationwide STD clinics, we do not need your real name and your doctor will not know. Syphilis needs a blood sample and can be tested on its own, as part of our Peace of Mind Screen (including Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea) or part of a Full STD screen (including Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, HIV, Hepatitis B, Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma).

Phone our booking line 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

5 Most Common STDs in US Women

The five most common STDs in women in the US are:

1. Chlamydia
2. Gonorrhoea
3. Herpes
4. Syphilis
5. HIV

Of these top five, only syphilis and HIV are more likely to occur in men than women.

Once a woman has one STD, they are more likely to contract another STD because many STDs cause inflammation of the vaginal wall making the blood vessels more susceptible to picking up further infections.

Most STDs are easily treated with antibiotics, but not getting tested can lead to infertility; ectopic pregnancy; pelvic inflammatory disease (PID); infection of the newborn during birth or breastfeeding; heart disease; cervical cancer; many other cancers; increased risk of contracting HIV; and in some cases death.

If you are worried that you may have an STD, please abstain from sex and contact Better2Know who will be able to get you an appointment quickly. Our booking team are friendly and helpful, and will be able to get you an appointment without you needing to give your real name or telling your GP.

Better2Know can test for all of these STDs and more. If you would like to be tested please visit our STD testing website or phone to book an appointment on the number listed above.

Celebrities Stand Up Stand Out for World AIDS Day

With 100,000 people predicted to be living with HIV by the end of this year, the Terrence Higgins Trust’s new campaign raises greater awareness of HIV and generates funds for prevention services and support for people living with the virus.

Graham Norton said: “This World AIDS Day I’m putting on my most glamorous red underwear to support a wonderful charity, Terrence Higgins Trust. They’ve got a great new campaign running, Stand Up, Stand Out, to raise greater awareness of HIV and generate vital funds to support people living with the virus in the UK. All you have to do to get involved is wear your red undies to work, donate £2 online and ask any adventurous friends, family and colleagues to do the same.

With our support Terrence Higgins trust can continue to offer amazing services for people living with HIV as well as vital information and advice to help people look after their sexual health.”

Stephen Fry said: “Almost 20 people are still being diagnosed with HIV every day in the UK and it is an incurable and life threatening condition. Please join me in getting involved with Terrence Higgins Trust’s Stand Up, Stand Out campaign to support people living with HIV this World AIDS Day.

“Terrence Higgins Trust is a charity that provides brilliant services for people living with HIV as well as crucial information and advice to help people protect their sexual health and that of their partners. With your help this World AIDS Day they can be there for even more people who need them. Have a look at their website to see what fun things you can do to support. Even a small donation makes a really big difference.”

Getting tested regularly is the best way to prevent the spread of HIV. Better2Know has 60 clinics nationwide where you can get tested today. Our booking line is open 24/7. Phone us now on the number provided at the top of the page.

One in Five People Offered an HIV Test Decline

New figures from the Health Protection Agency show that one in five people offered an HIV test refuse to have the test.

It is estimated that 96,500 people are HIV+ in the UK in 2010, with a quarter of them unaware of their status and most likely to infect their partners.

Only 4% of the population were tested in 2010, many of these pregnant women who are offered the test as a routine part of their pregnancy care.

The most accurate HIV tests are a simple blood test with results available from Better2Know within 2-3 working days. The test is nothing to worry about, but carrying the virus without knowing it is a far more serious problem.

When was your last HIV test?

*Press Release*


London, United Kingdom, 23 November 2011

26% of people in the UK who are HIV positive, do not know that they are carrying the virus. If you are worried that you could be one of them, then you could be risking your own and your partner’s health. Better2Know is the UK’s leading sexually transmitted infection (STI)/HIV testing provider and can get you tested anonymously and with same day or next day results. For every test booked between now and World AIDS Day on Thursday 1 December 2011, Better2Know will donate £5.00 to the Terrence Higgins Trust to help support people living with HIV.

According to the Better2Know 2011 Survey, over two-thirds (69.4%) of respondents said that they had not always practiced safe sex. With nearly half (47.6%) saying that they had been unfaithful, most more than once, to their partner. It is more important than ever to ensure that you have regular testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections so that you can protect your long term health and fertility, and avoid spreading infections to your partners.

Better2Know is supporting the Terrence Higgins Trust in its mission to prevent the spread of HIV and STIs in the UK, by supporting people to look after their sexual health and regularly access their local sexual health services. Better2Know is making a donation to Terrence Higgins Trust for every HIV test booked individually, or as part of a full STI screen, to raise funds to support people diagnosed with HIV to maximise their health and wellbeing and ensuring they have the best possible HIV treatment and care services.

“We are delighted to support Terrence Higgins Trust,” said Better2Know CEO Mike Asher, “they provide invaluable support for those who are worried that they may have an STI, including HIV, both before and after testing. We provide confidential and anonymous appointments for our patients at any one of our many clinics around the UK. Our patients can see a doctor, and get the tests they need to safeguard their health. Our tests are of the highest quality available and we ensure that results are given to our patients quickly and discreetly.”

Clinical Director of the Terrence Higgins Trust Jason Warriner said: “We’re really pleased to be working in partnership with Better2Know this World AIDS Day. It’s a great opportunity to both encourage people to come forward for an HIV test and raise vital funds to support people who have been diagnosed. There are still very high numbers of people living with HIV without knowing they have it, which is life threatening for themselves and their partners, so it’s crucial people who have the infection find out and get onto treatment as soon as possible.”


The Better2Know 2011 survey was carried out between 4 and 23 August 2011, 184 UK residents were asked to respond to the survey which was completely anonymous.

About Better2Know

Better2Know is the United Kingdom’s largest private provider of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) testing services. It has over 50 partner clinics throughout the UK, including 11 in London. Better2Know empowers its customers by giving them the choice of which tests to have and where and when to attend an appointment convenient for them. All tests are completely anonymous, names do not have to be given when booking and results are confidential between the clinic and customer. All tests are performed in accredited laboratories quickly and accurately, whilst maintaining absolute patient confidentiality.

To book your appointment phone us on the number above or visit our website

About the Terrence Higgins Trust

Terrence Higgins Trust is the UK’s largest HIV and sexual health charity with centres across England, Scotland and Wales. We’re here to provide information and advice about HIV and sexual health and offer a range of services including sexual health checks, counselling and support groups. We campaign for a world where people with HIV live healthy lives, free from prejudice and discrimination, and we promote good sexual health as a right and reality for all.

Visit, our new site for everyone living with HIV in the UK, for accredited information, self management tools, interactive web services and community forums. Terrence Higgins Trust relies on donations to deliver a wide range of services. To make a donation, or to find out about everything that we do visit

Hepatitis B and C are two common causes of Liver Cancer

Most people know that left untreated, STDs can continue to cause itching, discharge, unpleasant odours and can lead to both male and female infertility. Some STDs can also cause cancer.

New Research published today shows that it is not just the HPV (associated with Genital Warts) that can cause cancer of the cervix, anus, vagina, penis, head and neck (see our blog on the 18 November 2011), but Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C can also cause liver cancer. Having Hepatitis B can make you one hundred times more likely to develop liver cancer than someone who does not.

The viruses are spread through shared bodily fluids so you do not even have to have penetrative sex to transmit the infection. Sharing needles can also transmit the virus.

Help is at hand, as if you know you have Hepatitis B and/or C there are drugs available to help keep them under control and prevent liver cancer. The only way to be sure is to be tested. Better2Know can provide you with a confidential STD test starting from just ten days after your exposure (our Early Detection Screen for Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV). You do not have to give your real name, and your results will not go on your medical record.

AIDS/HIV related deaths are falling

A new United Nations report has found that AIDS / HIV related deaths are falling across the globe with advances in treatment of the condition. The number of people living with HIV is increasing and is now affecting 34 million people around the world, half of whom are women.

In Western Europe and North America where there is very high availability of antiretroviral drugs, the rates of new infections has not fallen as hoped, possibly because people are no longer worried about the virus as it no longer considered fatal.

Practising safer sex and STD testing are needed to help prevent spreading the disease.

HPV is linked to non-Cervical Cancers too

Many people know that the genital human papillomavirus (HPV) can be sexually transmitted and can cause genital warts and cervical cancer. New studies are showing that HPV also has been associated with other types of cancers, including vaginal, vulva, penile, anal, and some head and neck cancers which affect both men and women.

The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has found that every year more than 17,300 HPV-associated cancers occur in women, and up to 7,600 HPV-associated cancers occur in men. The most common HPV-related cancer in women is cervical cancer, while the most common HPV-related cancer in men is head and neck.

There are over 100 different types of HPV, and Better2Know can test for all of them. Book your confidential appointment today at anyone of our 60 nationwide clinics. You do not have to give your real name and the test and the result will not appear on your medical record.

HIV Certificates for Visas and Employers

Many countries require an HIV Certificate as part of their entry requirements for visas. This is normally for a work visa and is will be needed when you are applying for your visa. Better2Know can provide the certificate you need after your HIV Test.

If you have been advised that you need an HIV Certificate for your visa, then we can provide the HIV Certificate you need at all of our clinics.

If you choose to have an instant HIV test, then the certificate will be ready on the same day. We have centres in London where instant tests are available which will be convenient if you are going to the embassy yourself. Otherwise your HIV Certificate will be available when your results are known: within two to three working days of your test.

Countries where an HIV Certificate can be required as part of the visa application include: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and most other former Soviet states, Saudi Arabia, China, Brunei and Singapore. The list of countries is increasing all the time, so please check your entry requirements.

In addition, many people need an HIV certificate for professional reasons: gas, oil and off shore workers, security personnel and some sports including boxing. We are able to provide HIV tests and certificates for all these occupations. If you have any questions please contact our booking team who will be happy to help.

If you need an HIV Certificate, please let our booking team know when you book, so that your HIV Certificate will be ready as soon as possible. Please contact us today on the number above lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We can arrange corporate billing for more than 10 patients.

HIV can strike anyone: get tested today!

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) strikes anyone – young and old, the rich or poor, the famous and unknowns. The nameless victims who get infected go unnoticed, but celebrities who do always get the world’s attention. This is a list of the top 10 celebrities who are known to have or to have had the virus known as HIV, including those who have died (whether from AIDS or another cause).

1. Rock Hudson – Iconic Hollywood leading man, the first major American celebrity whose AIDS diagnosis was made public. Unquestionably, he was one of the most popular and well-known movie stars of his time. The public got a double shock when it was revealed he had AIDS and was gay. In 1985, Hudson died at the age of 59.

2. Freddie Mercury – Queen’s lead singer noted for his vocal abilities and his charisma. His death led to The Mercury Phoenix Trust anti-AIDS charity and the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert for AIDS Awareness. Died in 1991 at the age of 45 and was inducted into Rock and Roll’s Hall of Fame in 2001.

3. Liberace – Flamboyant Las Vegas singer and piano player known for candelabras, lavish costumes, exotic cars and kitchy homes. In the ’70s and 80s, Liberace was a major box office attraction in Las Vegas. In 1987, he died due to complications from AIDS.

4. Arthur Ashe – one of the greatest tennis players of all time. Was the first African-American to win a Grand Slam and he went on to collect three. Ashe transcended tennis to become a social activist who led public protests against apartheid in South Africa; became infected with HIV via transfusion during heart surgery. This Tennis Hall of Famer died in 1993 at the age of 49.

5. Isaac Asimov – famous science fiction writer and biochemist. Two of his works were turned into highly successful films – I, Robot and Bicentennial Man. Asimov, who was also popular for his science books, became infected by transfused blood during heart surgery.

6. Earvin “Magic” Johnson – One of the greatest NBA players of all time, Johnson is widely considered as the best point guard ever to play the game. Since publicly announcing he had been infected with the virus HIV, Johnson continues to be an advocate for HIV/AIDS prevention and safe sex.

7. Greg Louganis – Olympic gold medalist in diving. Was the most outstanding amateur athlete in 1984 and went on to win back-to-back Olympic golds in both the 3m and 10m diving events. Following the announcement of his HIV status in 1995, Louganis was dropped by majority of his corporate sponsors. Since retiring from diving, Louganis has ventured into acting mostly in off-Broadway plays.

8. Tommy Morrison – world champion boxer better known for his role as Tommy Gunn in Rocky V. In 1996 it was revealed he was HIV-positive which automatically retired him from boxing as a competitor. Currently, he is pursuing a career in Mixed Martial Arts and is trying to mount a comeback in boxing.

9. Ryan White – expelled from high school because of his infection which he got from contaminated blood during treatment. White, who was a hemophiliac, became a poster child for HIV/AIDS at a time when the public knew very little about the disease. White made many celebrity friends including Michael Jackson whose song “Gone Too Soon” was a tribute to the teenage AIDS victim. White died in 1990 at a young age of 18.

10. Esteban De Jesus – a world lightweight champion boxer from Puerto Rico. Famous for his trilogy with Roberto Duran, “Vita” had a life full of controversy, problems and scandals. Sentenced to life in jail for murder, he became a preacher and started to turn his life around. De Jesus acquired HIV and succumbed to full-blown AIDS in 1989.

When you think about the celebrities on this list, appreciate the importance of practicing safer sex. It is an effective way to prevent yourself or your partner from getting the HIV virus or other STDs. Click here to learn more about HIV/AIDS.

To book your HIV Test phone the number above now lines open 24 hours a day 7 days a week or visit the Better2Know website to find your nearest clinic.

THT World Aids Day campaign launched: Stand Up, Stand Out

HIV and sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust is today launching its new World AIDS Day campaign, Stand Up, Stand Out, and asking people nationwide to ‘show us their undies’ to support people living with HIV.

Almost 20 people are still being diagnosed with HIV every day in the UK and it is an incurable and life threatening condition. With close to 100,000 people now living with the infection and numbers increasing every year, Terrence Higgins Trust is asking people to Stand Up, Stand Out to raise greater awareness of HIV and vital funds for HIV prevention services and support for people living with the virus.

It’s easy to get involved with the campaign and people can take part in a variety of different ways:

Stand Out in red underwear and donate £2 to Terrence Higgins Trust. Be as loud and proud as you like, showing just a hint of red over your jeans or a full ‘underwear as outerwear’ look. Get work colleagues, friends and family in on the act to raise vital funds for people living with HIV.

Get well ‘red’ about HIV: Separate the myths from the facts and find out more information about HIV to protect yourself and your partner- Terrence Higgins Trust’s Stand Up, Stand Out HIV Fastfacts are available on:

Wear your red ribbon with pride: Wear yours in the lead up to December to remember those who have died with AIDS. You can also sell them to friends, family and colleagues to raise funds to support Terrence Higgins Trust and people living with HIV. Phone: 020 7812 1671 to order your free box of red ribbons.

Write to your local MP: Stand Up and be counted by joining Terrence Higgins Trust’s online campaigning community to encourage your MP to support HIV prevention and keep HIV on the local and national agenda. Click here to write to your local MP:

THT’s Executive Director of Fundraising, Genevieve Edwards, said: “For nearly 30 years Terrence Higgins Trust has been at the very heart of the HIV epidemic, supporting people living with, or at risk of, the virus. With your support this December we can reach out to even more people who need us.

“Please Stand Up, Stand Out to increase awareness about HIV, including how to protect yourself and your partner from the infection, and raise vital funds for Terrence Higgins Trust’s prevention services and support for people living with the virus. HIV is still on the increase and we need to act now to prevent further infections.”

Agony Aunts call for more support for Sexual Health

A press release from the Terrence Higgins Trust today:

Some of the nation’s best loved agony aunts – Gill Cox, Tracey Cox, Jenni Trent-Hughes, Emma Marlin, Susan Quilliam, Denise Robertson, Deidre Sanders, Dr Pam Spurr and Zelda West-Meads – have come together to support sexual health charities Brook, FPA (Family Planning Association), Terrence Higgins Trust, and MedFASH in their call to protect vital sexual health services.

The agony aunts and charities are calling for the Government and decision-makers to maintain their commitment to the nation’s sexual health to prevent it going into a sharp decline.

Despite considerable progress, the UK still has a worrying sexual health record with some of the worst sexually transmitted infection rates in Western Europe. There’s been a steady increase between 2008 and 2010 in Chlamydia, gonorrhoea and herpes diagnoses and HIV is still one of the fastest growing serious health conditions in the UK.

Charities Brook, FPA, Terrence Higgins Trust, and MedFASH support the sexual health needs of thousands of people in the UK, every day, with wide-ranging, personalised services focused on contraception, pregnancy choices and sexually transmitted infection prevention and testing as well as information, care and support.

All of these charities have recently lost services integral to local communities’ needs, including Brook’s young people’s sexual health services in Stockton, Terrence Higgins Trust’s HIV prevention services in Wales and the FPA Speakeasy parenting, sex and relationships education programme in England. Other charitable and NHS services are facing an uncertain future.

In light of these cuts, the coalition of agony aunts and charities are calling for sexual health services to be improved and expanded rather than cut or reduced. A statement from the group says: “During economic uncertainty, sexual health services are often seen as easy targets – they’re more likely to go first or lose more of their funding compared to others. Good sexual health is essential to physical and mental health as well as positive relationships, self-esteem and self-identity and personal responsibility. We’re here to remind decision makers that sexual health services must be protected.

To see the full article, please click here.

HIV treatment is providing value for money

A new report says that the cost of keeping people in the developing world on drugs to help them fight the HIV virus is less than the increase in productivity they bring to the economy.

Read the full article here.

Living with HIV

The Consultant Thoracic Specialist, Prof Margaret Johnson, discusses the prevalence, symptoms and treatment of HIV/AIDS in the UK today.

As you may be aware, 26% of people living with HIV in the UK do not know that they are infected. However, with treatment here being superior to countries such as the USA, 90% of UK-based patients had an undetectable viral load only one year after starting therapy.

Prof Margaret Johnson is encouraging doctors in the UK to consider HIV infection in general practice, as well as secondary care, in order to prevent late diagnosis. She proposes that it is essential that all healthcare professionals should offer HIV antibody testing routinely to their patients, particularly those who are in a high prevalence group.

About our Medical Expert

Professor Margaret Johnson is one of the most pre-eminent experts in the treatment of HIV. She set up the first and largest open-access HIV clinic in the UK at the Royal Free NHS Trust where she is currently Clinical Director of HIV services.

1 in 4 people worry they have infected a partner with an STD

One in four people (26.1%) responding to the Better2Know 2011 survey have worried that they might have infected a partner with a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). In addition, nearly half of respondents (47.6%) admit to being unfaithful to their partner and over two-thirds of these people (69.9%) have done so more than once.

According to the Health Protection (HPA) 418,598 people were diagnosed with a STD in 2010. Many STDs have no symptoms but can lead to infertility in women, and both men and women can pass the infection on to partners. In most cases a short course of antibiotics will cure the problem.

“Over 6,700 new cases of HIV were diagnosed in the UK during 2010. With advances in HIV treatment, the disease is now widely considered a chronic condition which can be managed effectively over the patients’ normal lifespan” said Better2Know Chairman Mike Asher.

He continued: “There is, however, strong evidence that up to 25% of the HIV-positive population is undiagnosed, which contributes to rising treatment costs and a high rate of new infections. Early diagnosis is fundamental to increasing life expectancy, and to reducing levels of new infections. Regular testing for HIV and other STDs is the only way to identify the infection, and treatment can then either cure or manage the conditions. The HPA estimates that by 2012 there will be over 100,000 people living with HIV in the UK and one in five of these patients will be over the age of 50.”

The Better2Know 2011 survey showed that half of respondents (50.0%) thought that NHS provision was insufficient, with concerns about anonymity, attending a drop – in service and length of time for results the main reasons for saying it was inadequate.

Private STD clinics can offer much faster testing results than the NHS” said Better2Know Director Anthea Morris. “When you are worried about whether you have an STD it can be all consuming: affecting your relationships, social and work life. Some patients have reported waiting up to three weeks for results on the NHS, after having to wait for a 90 day incubation period for HIV. Better2Know can provide instant HIV tests after the 90 day incubation period, and can also provide HIV tests from 10 days after the potential exposure to the virus. All Better2Know STD test results are delivered within one to five working days depending on the test.”

Warning over untrustworthy sexual health testing websites

A government backed survey of 18-24 year olds shows a lack of awareness of sexual health and what to look for when seeking information on websites.

Better2Know is the leading UK provider of private sexual health testing, we only use UK accredited pathology services to do all our testing, and we are supported by the Terrence Higgins Trust as an approved provider.

UK Government HIV & AIDS Committee call for more HIV testing

The House of Lords select committee on HIV & AIDS in the UK, has said that increasing HIV testing in critical to preventing the spread of AIDS. The committee was chaired by Lord Fowler, has recommended a new HIV awareness campaign, 25 years after the hard hitting “Don’t die of ignorance” campaign.

Home tests are currently banned in the UK as they are not regulated or of sufficient quality, the committee wants to see this ban lifted, and Better2Know will be one of the first organisations to offer a quality assured home test.

To see the full article from the HIV & AIDS committee, please click here.

Confidential Flexible Appointments for STD testing

*Press Release*


London, United Kingdom, 31 August 2011

Better2Know, the country’s leading provider of private STD tests, is officially launching its new extended hours service in London on 1 September 2011.

Following demand from customers to be more responsive to their busy lives, Better2Know has launched a new service for Londoners. No longer do they need to specify an appointment time for their STD test; customers can now book to attend a private clinic and then arrive at any time on the given day between 7:00am and 7:00pm Monday to Fridays and 9:00am to 5:00pm on Saturdays. Customers will be seen within fifteen minutes by a fully qualified nurse, to have their tests (blood and/or urine samples depending on the test). The results will be available within two to five days depending on the tests chosen by the customer. An appointment with a doctor can be arranged to discuss the results if required by the customer.

“This is an exciting new service for our customers who need more flexibility to fit their appointment around their busy work and social life” said Better2Know Chairman Mike Asher, he continued “Better2Know puts healthcare in the hands of the customer by allowing them to choose which tests to have, and provides fast results from our highest quality, CPA (Clinical Pathology Accredited) Laboratory”.

For those who want to see a doctor before they get their results, Better2Know is expanding its national clinical coverage and has appointments available in 50 clinics nationwide during the day, and has appointments available on evenings, Saturdays and Sundays in London, as well as evenings and Saturdays in Manchester and Edinburgh.

Better2Know provides complete discretion and confidentiality for your STD test. Customers are given a unique reference which is all they need to give when they arrive at the clinic. Better2Know provides accurate results quickly, reducing the stress of waiting for results.

Hepatitis – symptoms and causes

Hepatitis is an injury to the liver indicated by the presence of inflammatory cells in its tissue. This disease might be self-limiting, heal on its own, or might advance to a point where it causes liver scarring. It is considered chronic if it lasts longer than six months and acute if it lasts less than six months.

Hepatitis has two categories, namely viral and non-viral hepatitis. Viral hepatitis can be categorised as acute if the condition occurs swiftly with relentless symptoms but only lasts for a short time. Non-viral hepatitis is a condition that slowly creeps in and may or may not have any manifestations, but lasts far longer.

Most cases of liver damage in the world are caused by a group of viruses, known as the hepatitis viruses. However, some cases are caused by toxins (like alcohol), other infections, or by an autoimmune process.

There are different types of hepatitis, depending on the viruses triggering the symptoms. Tests to determine which kind of hepatitis is present in an individual’s body will help in designing the appropriate treatment plan for them. Depending on the type of virus found in the body, a patient might undergo more than one or two tests to make sure that the diagnosis is correct and to determine what other infections are inside the body’s systems.

The five types of viral hepatitis are Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. Non-viral hepatitis, on the other hand, has two main types which are called toxic/drug-induced hepatitis and alcoholic hepatitis. In addition, there are two less common types of non-viral hepatitis called autoimmune hepatitis and granulomatous hepatitis.

STD Testing Clinics in London

Based on the 2010 statistics, around 63% of people suffer from some form of sexually transmitted disease at any one time. Some people who are suffering from STDs prefer to administer self-medication being uncomfortable with the idea of seeking professional help because of the embarrassment associated with an examination. Some STDs are asymptomatic (no apparent symptoms) and the condition of the person who is infected has already worsened before they are properly diagnosed.

Many STD/HIV testing clinics are available in London. The clinics offer services that ensure strict confidentiality relating to a patient’s case. At some clinics patients who need to undergo certain tests need not give their real names. These clinics do not give an update or any report to a government database so the patients can really be assured of complete privacy. Clinics are located in many parts of London, they are usually well maintained and offer fast results for patients that present there.

At present STD and HIV testing clinics are available in Victoria, Paddington, Notting Hill, Peckham, Canary Wharf; Bank, Mansion House, the West End, Oxford Street, and Baker Street. There are several other clinics dotted around the capital.

It is advised that anyone who has unprotected sex with multiple partners should have regular STD tests (every 6 months), and anyone who has any symptoms or feels that they may have an infection should get tested straight away.

Disclosing an HIV positive status

It can be an incredibly challenging and emotional experience when disclosing an HIV positive status to close family, friends or a partner. Likewise, the challenges continue when telling other acquaintances such as an employer and work colleagues. There is likely to be a great deal of anxiety about how each person will react and, chances are, each person will react differently. Of course, with regards to your partner, disclosure is incredibly important as that person has also been at risk of infection and should be tested as soon as possible.