Female Condoms: what are they and how do they benefit women?

The most popular and commonly accessible condom is the male (external) condom. However, female condoms are also available, yet they are not as widely recognised as male condoms. How effective are female condoms, and what are the benefits?

Who should I tell about my HIV status?

Finding out you have HIV is never going to be easy. You then have to decide who to tell about your HIV status. In this blog, we discuss the different people who you may decide to tell and how to approach this difficult dilemma.

Why testing your employees’ wellness can improve the health of your company

The traditional daily grind has changed for good in the eyes of many workers, particularly during the pandemic, and employees are thinking more towards the life side of the ‘work/life balance’.  During the last 18 months of a Covid filled world, philosophies have changed when it comes to ‘giving all’ to a company and many employees are now valuing their health and wellbeing above their long-term employment commitments.

3 STIs you can catch even if you use a condom

While condoms do provide protection against most sexually transmitted infections (STIs), some infections can be passed through skin-on-skin contact alone. It is important to get clued up on which STIs you may be at risk of.

World Sexual Health Day 2021

World Sexual Health Day (WSHD) is on Saturday 4th September and is an annual event organized by the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) designed to promote education, awareness, and best practices in sexual health.

With a shortage of blood test tubes affecting the UK, Better2Know is continuing to test as normal

With an NHS shortage of the test tubes required for taking blood samples, leading testing provider Better2Know is showing how the private sector can fill the testing void.  First, let us look at the issue in more depth, and the reasons behind it:

First Time Sex: A Guide To Staying Safe

There are lots of things to consider when having sex for the first time. You might be curious about how it feels and how to deal with the concerns that may come with it. These thoughts are entirely natural in any case. The best thing you can do to overcome your concerns and enjoy the moment is to be prepared.

How to stay safe when experimenting with your sexuality

Many teens ponder who they are as they grow up. Questioning your sexual orientation is an important aspect of figuring out who you are. You may question whether you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or part of another LGBTQ+ community. Only through this process can you discover your true self.

How to break the news after receiving a positive STI result

There is a lot of misinformation and stigma about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) which can make the topic difficult and uncomfortable to discuss. However, STIs are common and can affect men and women of all ages. Globally, over 1 million people acquire an STI every day [1], therefore it is vital to understand what you should do if you receive a positive test result.

4 STIs you’ve never heard of: Symptoms and risks

Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, Gardnerella and Trichomonas. What do you know about these STIs? With over 70% of men and 85% of women having had unsafe sex in the past year [1], it is more important than ever to be aware of lesser-known infections which could be harmful if left untreated.

Ask The Expert: An Interview with HIV Specialist Mark Bloch

Dr Mark Bloch has been working in the field of HIV medicine since 1983 and is now the director of Clinical Research at Holdsworth House in Sydney. We asked Dr Bloch some questions about HIV to gain a deeper insight into his thoughts and experience with HIV-positive patients. 

7 Common Causes of Pelvic Pain in Women

Pain in the pelvic area is a symptom of many different health conditions. It can be chronic (long-term) or acute (short-term). Here, we explain the possible reasons why pelvic pain may occur and further symptoms to look out for.

It’s time to break the stigma around HPV

Jess Phillips recently explained the “shame and guilt” she experienced during her 20s, after receiving the news that she had HPV – the human papillomavirus. However, the reality is that most sexually active adults will contract HPV in their lifetime.

Worldwide Sexual Health Statistics

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) affect people all over the world. But what do the numbers say? In this blog, Better2Know explores some statistics published by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

7 Ways to Prevent Catching an STI

While it is near impossible to have entirely safe sex with another person, there are several things you can do to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Let’s discuss how to avoid catching an unwanted infection.

Why is Chlamydia known as a ‘silent STI’?

Sometimes referred to as a ‘silent STI’, Chlamydia is the most common STI in the UK. If left untreated, a Chlamydia infection can have long-term health consequences for both men and women. But what is meant by a ‘silent STI’?

7 Things You Should Know About Ureaplasma

You may or may not have heard of Ureaplasma. This lesser-known sexually transmitted infection (STI) can, in fact, also occur naturally. Here, we discuss what Ureaplasma is, symptoms, testing, treatment and long-term health risks.

Everything you need to know about Testing on Day 2 and Day 8

Various Covid-19 restrictions have been introduced by the UK Government when travelling to and from the UK. Better2Know is a registered provider for Testing on Day 2 and Day 8 for International Arrivals, which is required when you return to the UK from abroad. Find out more about this test and how it works.

What is sexual health and why is it so important?

The term ‘sexual health’ covers a range of different topics, from STIs, to contraception and family planning, to intimacy and relationships. Looking after your sexual health is important to protect your overall long-term health and to foster positive relationships between yourself and your partner(s).

HPV Awareness Day: 7 Myths about HPV

Today is International HPV Awareness Day. On this dedicated day, ask yourself: ‘how much do I know about HPV?’. To help raise awareness surrounding HPV, Better2Know is here to dispel seven common myths.

Positive STI Test Result? How To Tell Your Partner

If you test positive for a sexually transmitted infection, you should inform both your current and recent sexual partners. This is the safe and responsible thing to do to protect their health and fertility.

The Show Must Go On: Covid-19 Testing for Production Companies

Arts, film and production were one of the many industries brought to a standstill when the Covid-19 pandemic began. Since then, many film crews have been able to safely return to work by implementing Covid-19 testing as a simple but effective precaution.

Will an antibody test detect antibodies produced following a Covid-19 vaccination?

With Covid-19 vaccines now being rolled out in the UK, you may have questions such as: How does the vaccine work? What does the vaccine mean for immunity? Can an antibody test detect antibodies produced by the vaccine? Here, we explain everything you need to know, including why you might consider getting an antibody test.

World Cancer Day: Can STIs cause cancer?

Today is World Cancer Day – an international day which aims to raise awareness of cancer and encourage prevention, detection and treatment. This year’s theme ‘I Am and I Will’ focuses on how, together, we can commit to act towards making a change. As specialists in sexual health, Better2Know explains which sexually transmitted infections pose a cancer risk.

Missed your cervical screening appointment? Better2Know can provide the solution

On the back of Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, Anthea Morris, Co-Founder of Better2Know, calls for women who are too nervous about getting screened for cervical cancer at a clinic, or are not attending appointments due to the pandemic, to consider self-administered ‘DIY’ HPV tests.

Men’s Sexual Health: 7 Myths Debunked

The term ‘sexual health’ covers a wide range of topics, from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) to sexual intercourse, fertility, and genital health. Here, we explore some myths about men’s sexual health, and their truths.

Why am I itchy after sex?

Feeling itchy anywhere on your body is far from a pleasant sensation. When it’s down below, it can feel particularly alarming. There are several reasons why your vagina may feel itchy after sex, not all of which are a major cause for concern – so don’t panic! Here, we explain the possible reasons for your itch.

7 reasons to have an STI test in the New Year

The beginning of a new year brings time to reflect, make new resolutions and plan for the year ahead. Why not start the new year feeling confident about your sexual health? Testing for STIs with Better2Know is simple and quick. With discreet clinics, home test kits and fast results, there are plenty of reasons why you should book your sexual health test today.

Blood donation rules change for gay and bisexual men

Current rules prevent gay or bisexual men who have engaged in oral or anal sex within the past three months from donating blood. However, these rules are set to change, allowing men who have sex with men (MSM) to be able to donate blood in the same way as all other blood donors.

Reduce your post-travel quarantine period with our Test to Release

If you are planning a trip abroad, there’s good news on the horizon. As of the 15th December, you can choose to have a Covid-19 test when you arrive back in the UK, which will cut your quarantine time in half (as long as you test negative, of course). Also known as ‘Testing to Release’, Better2Know is providing this test.