The pill is now the contraceptive method of choice for many teenage girls rather than a condom. This includes those under the legal age of consent, with 41% choosing the pill and 36% choosing condoms, with a quarter of all fifteen year olds visiting clinics where they know they can receive the pill.

HSCIC (Health and Social Care Information Centre who commissioned the study) chief executive Tim Straughan said: “The report captures the changing way in which women across the age range are managing their reproductive health.”

“While the oral contraceptive pill is clearly the most popular form of contraception among older women, this report indicates that now, for the first time, it has become the preferred form of contraception among 15-year-old girls too – overtaking the male condom.”

“Together with the continuing rise of the long-acting reversible contraceptive, this captures just two of the ways in which people’s choice of contraception is changing.”

While the pill may be attractive as it does not require partner consent, it less intrusive in love making and in some cases can help reduce acne, it does not protect against and STDs or STIs including HIV.

If you are having sex regularly with more than one partner, it is important to get tested for STDs regularly to protect your long term health and well-being.  Better2Know has private STD testing clinics across the UK where you can get an appointment quickly, get fast results and do not have to give any personal details.

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