Better2Know delivers private, confidential and anonymous Sexual Health testing services for adults through our network of over 80 partner clinics across the UK. Our service provides an alternative to the NHS and charitable services, offering patients the opportunity to see clinicians without visiting their own GP or GUM clinic.
We test thousands of people every year who are concerned about their sexual health and who wish to remain completely anonymous whilst taking responsibility for their health. Better2Know delivers test results quickly (from 4 hours for a CPA certified laboratory HIV test) and the assurance of anonymity and rapid test turnaround times whilst under the supervision of a sexual health trained clinician, drives many adults to get tested where otherwise they might not. This service helps adults manage their and their partners’ sexual health. We ensure that patients testing positive can access treatment including as appropriate, prescriptions and counselling.
Large numbers of Better2Know patients retest on a regular basis, showing our service is driving regular testing into the mainstream of adults’ healthcare habits. Better2Know’s national network of clinics provides a vehicle for organisations to provide a national service without incurring additional overhead costs.
If you want to get tested please visit our online booking for STI testing appointments or call our friendly booking team.