Appointment Details

Requested Clinics
  • Leeds - Yeadon
Requested Tests
  • Instant Covid-19 Antibody Test£195.00 7-14 Day incubation post-symptoms
  1. Are you flexible? You can add up to three potential appointment dates/times
  2. + Add another
  3. - Remove
  4. - Remove

Please provide a few details:

  1. This needn't be your real date of birth, just one you can remember
  2. We don't need your real name. Just one you want to use for your appointment
  1. Please call us on 020 7099 0955 between the hours of 9-5 (GMT)
    Monday - Friday to receive your results.

Please Note:

You will receive your appointment confirmation by the method indicated. Please be sure you receive your confirmation beforehand. If you attend without one, the clinic may not be able to see you.