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STI Clinics Ayr

Sexual Health Clinics in Ayr

Better2Know provides an extensive selection of STI tests and screenings at our Ayr sexual health clinics. We offer same-day and next-day appointments for testing STIs such as HIV, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, and Herpes.

Our sexual health clinics offer a confidential and non-judgmental environment for all individuals to discuss their sexual health issues. Use the map below to locate the nearest private clinic in the Ayr area.

Our clinics in and around Ayr:

Popular STI tests and screens available in Ayr

Better2Know provides a wide variety of STI tests to meet the needs of our patients. Although some patients prefer testing for individual infections, we suggest a multi-infection test if you are uncertain about what to screen for. Below are some of the most popular testing options at our Ayr clinics.

  • Full Screen – The Full Screen is Better2Know’s most popular screen across Scotland. It tests for a wide range of common STDs, including Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, HIV (I/II with the p24 antigen), Hepatitis B, Mycoplasma, and Ureaplasma.
  • Peace of Mind Screen – This screen is designed to provide peace of mind by detecting the three most prevalent STIs in Scotland: Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, and Syphilis.
  • HIV 28-Day DuoTest – This test employs antibody and antigen testing methods to identify strains of HIV 1 and 2, as well as the p24 antigen. It offers 99.8?curacy within just 28 days of the initial infection.
  • Syphilis Testing – Get tested for Syphilis just nine days after possible exposure.

To explore our additional private STD tests and screenings, please choose the nearest clinic from the map above.

How do I make an appointment at one of your clinics in Ayr?

Scheduling an appointment at one of Better2Know’s private STI clinics could not be simpler. Pick a clinic from the map on this page and select a test or screen from the available options. If you cannot find a clinic nearby, our Patient Services team is ready to assist. Call the number listed at the top of this page, and we will help you secure a clinic appointment that suits your needs.

Do you want an STI test brought to you in Ayr?

Better2Know provides flexible appointment options at many clinics. Yet, some patients prefer to get tested on their own time and on their own terms. Our exclusive Everywhere service sends a trained nurse to a pre-agreed location, such as an office, house, or hotel. The location can be anywhere, as long as it is safe, private, and has access to hand-washing facilities.

During your appointment, your private nurse will gather your test samples, including any blood and swab samples. After collection, we forward your samples to a certified laboratory for analysis. Your results will be uploaded to your secure online Patient Area on our website, and you will receive notifications via email or SMS.

To schedule an Everywhere appointment, scroll to the map above and choose the “We Come2You” option. Then, select your preferred test or screening option from the available choices.

Get tested from the comfort of your own home

Better2Know provides an extensive selection of home testing solutions. Our easy-to-use Home Test Kits deliver precise and dependable results on your schedule — all without having to visit a clinic. Browse our Home Test Kits for more information.

Speak to a member of our team

If you have questions about the testing process, our trained Sexual Health Advisors are here to advise all our patients. You can reach our 24/7 helpline for appointment scheduling, testing guidance, or any additional inquiries. Call the phone number listed at the top of this page to speak with someone today. Alternatively, you can chat anonymously with a team member using the dialogue box at the bottom right corner of this page.

If you are ready to schedule your appointment, click the “Book Now” button next to your chosen clinic on the map to get started.