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STI Clinics Gainsborough

Find a Gainsborough sexual health clinic near you

At our Gainsborough sexual health clinic, you can get tested for a wide range of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Whether you are concerned that you have the symptoms of an STI, you have had a recent sexual encounter that is worrying you, or you are simply looking for a sexual health check-up, Better2Know can help you today.

When you test for STIs with Better2Know, you can be sure that you will receive fast, accurate and confidential results for your peace of mind. Your results will be available to view online in your secure Patient Area. If you do test positive for an infection, we will always help you with the next steps, including access to treatment or referral to a specialist.

Please use the map below to locate your nearest STI clinic in Gainsborough. Click ‘View Details’ to find out more about our Gainsborough sexual health clinic.

Our clinics in and around Gainsborough:

Popular STI tests and screens available in Gainsborough:

  • 28-day HIV DUO Testour DUO HIV test will detect HIV 1, HIV 2 and the p24 antigen.
  • Comfort Screenavailable in Gainsborough, this screen is ideal if you are experiencing genital discomfort.
  • Full Screenthis screen will test you for seven harmful STIs: HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma.
  • Syphilis Testtest for Syphilis at our Gainsborough STD clinic.

Appointment availability at our Gainsborough Better2Know clinics

Our Gainsborough sexual health clinic is open five days a week for your confidential appointment. We will arrange your appointment for a date and time that suits you and your schedule.

If you would prefer not to attend a clinic, you may wish to consider our Everywhere service. Available throughout Gainsborough and the surrounding areas, one of our trained nurses can collect your samples in the comfort of your own home. All we ask is for you to provide an address for our nurse to visit you that is safe, clean and has hand-washing facilities, such as your home or a hotel.

Do you need some help with STI testing in Gainsborough?

Designed by our team of medical experts, our STI screens will provide a fuller picture of your sexual health status. Each screen tests for a different combination of STIs so no matter what you are concerned about, we have a suitable screen to meet your personal needs. If you would like to test for an additional STI that is not included in your screen, you can add individual tests at our reduced bolt-on price.

If you are unsure about which test or screen to book, our highly trained sexual health advisors can help you to decide. You can contact them by phone or through our live web chat now.

Speak to us in confidence

To arrange your confidential appointment in Gainsborough, simply click Book Now and select your chosen STI tests or screen. Alternatively, you can phone our friendly advisors who are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer your call.