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STI Clinics Ilford

Find an Ilford sexual health clinic near you

Better2Know is the global leading provider of private sexual health testing. At our Ilford sexual health clinic, we offer you fast and confidential testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

You can choose to book a single test or a combination of STD tests, known as a screen. Following your appointment, your samples will be sent to our accredited laboratory for fast and accurate analysis. We will report your results in your secure online Patient Area.

Please use the map below to locate your nearest STI clinic in Ilford. By clicking ‘View Details’, you can find out more about our private clinic and the tests offered.

Our clinics in and around Ilford:

Ilford - Hainault

83 Fencepiece Road, Hainault, Ilford, IG6 2NB

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Ilford - Gants Hill

23A Seven Ways Parade, Woodford Avenue, Ilford, IG2 6JX

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Popular STI tests and screens available in Ilford:

  • Full Screen - this comprehensive screen will test you for seven of the most common STIs.
  • FAST Four Bloodsreceive your results for HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C the same day that your sample arrives in our laboratory.
  • Peace of Mind Screen - get fast results for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea and Syphilis in Ilford.
  • HIV 28-Day DUO Testthis accurate HIV test is available at our Ilford clinic.

Appointment availability at our Ilford STI clinics

Our private GUM clinic in Ilford is open six days a week including Saturdays for your confidential appointment.

If you do not want to attend a GUM clinic, we have an alternative option. With our exclusive Everywhere service, we can send a private nurse to visit you and collect the samples required for your tests.

Do you need some help with STI testing in Ilford?

Should you test positive for an infection, we will always help you with the next steps. This may include arranging a doctor’s consultation, a prescription for treatment, confirmatory testing and/or referral to a specialist. We also offer private counselling sessions for anyone who would like some help managing their emotions.

Speak to us in confidence

Our highly trained Sexual Health Advisors are ready to take your call now. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, you can phone our team at a time convenient for you. Alternatively, you can contact us anonymously through our live webchat.