Our single most comprehensive test for when you know you are allergic to something, but you are not sure what.
What is the difference between an inhalant and a food allergy?
An inhalant allergy is a reaction to something you breathe in. A food allergy is a reaction to something you eat.
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms of inhalant allergies usually include sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes. The most serious food allergies can trigger anaphylaxis and can be life threatening.
Can I have more than one allergy?
Yes. You could be allergic to one or more foods, one or more inhalants, or a combination of both.
How do I know if I have an allergy?
A simple blood test is all you need.
Did You Know?
Over 40% of the UK population suffers from at least one allergy. Almost half of allergy sufferers have more than one allergy.
Allergy testing for when you do not know where to start
With some allergies, it is easy to identify what the trigger is. But some are less easy to put your finger on, particularly when you are allergic to several things. Trying to find our the cause through trial and error, for example removing certain foods from your diet, can be damaging to your health, and time consuming (and often unsuccessful when you are allergic to several things).
The simplest way to know for sure which allergies you have is by testing.
What this allergy test includes
This allergy test covers a wide range of potential food or inhalant allergens (e.g. allergens you can eat or breathe in) including:
A pollen allergy (hay fever) can be triggered at different times of year depending on the type of pollen to which you are allergic. If you are allergic to birch pollen, for example, your hay fever will be at its peak in spring. If you are allergic to grass pollen, your hay fever will likely be at its worst in summer (unless, of course, you are allergic to more than one pollen). Testing can help you better prepare for whenever your hay fever season falls.
Food allergies can be more common in children (e.g. milk and eggs) or more prevalent in adults (e.g. fruit). They can be mild or severe, with the most severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) most common with shellfish allergies. They can be relatively easy to live with, or they can require a major change of diet (e.g. with a gluten allergy).
This test checks a broad range of food types to provide the widest possible understanding of your allergies.
Dust and dander
No matter how fastidious you are about cleaning, all houses face a continual coating of dander (dry flakes of pet or human skin) and dust, a combination of food matter, insects, soil and fibres. It is the perfect breeding ground for dust mites (which feed on the dust) and their droppings, or the dander, can trigger allergic reactions.
Mould spreads by shedding tiny spores, and these spores that can trigger an allergic reaction. Mould is usually most noticeable in bathrooms and other damp areas, but it can grow unnoticed beneath wallpaper.
What are the symptoms of a food or inhalant allergy?
As inhalant allergies are triggered by substances you breathe in, it is not surprising to learn that most of the symptoms relate to the nose and respiratory system. Watery eyes, sneezing and runny noses are common reactions. Allergic rhinitis and asthma are more serious effects.
Food allergies can affect several areas of the body, often at the same time. Symptoms can include:
- Itchy mouth, throat and ears
- Persistent coughing
- Vomiting
- Hives, a red, raised rash (anywhere on the body)
- Swelling around the face, particularly the eyes, lips, tongue and roof of the mouth
- Dizziness
The most severe reaction to a food allergy, anaphylaxis, can be life threatening. Severe reactions are most common in shellfish allergies, but any food allergy has the potential to result in anaphylaxis. If you experience shortness of breath, feel faint and have clammy skin and a racing heartbeat, dial 999.
How do I get tested?
The Better2Know food and inhalants allergy test tests for the following:
Total IgE with individual IgE allergens for:
- Grass Mix, including Cocksfoot, Meadow Fescue, Meadow, Rye, Timothy
- Weed Mix, including Common Ragweed, Giant Ragweed, Western Ragweed
- Dust Mix, including Blatella germanica, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae
- Mould Mix, including A. alternata, Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida albicans, Cladosporum herbarum, Helminthosporium halodes, Penicillium notatum
- Tree Mix, including Box Elder, Common Silverbirch, Hazel, Oak, London Plane, Maple, Sycamore
- Single Allergens (19): Beef, Bermuda Grass, Cat Dander, Clam, Common Silver Birch, Cows’ Milk, Crab, Dog Dander, Egg White, Egg Yolk, Fish (Cod), Hazel Nut, Horse Dander, Latex, Nettle, Peanut, Shrimp/Prawn, Soya Bean, Wheat
To book your test, contact Better2Know at the number displayed on this page and speak to a member of our team.