
Middle East Allergies Screen

Testing for Allergies:

Cod, Cow’s Milk, Egg White, Soya Bean, Peanut, Wheat, House dust Mite, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farina, Blatella germanica



Did you know that if you are of a Middle Eastern ethnicity, your chances of being allergic to certain foods are higher than for the rest of the UK population?


What is an allergy?

Your body mistakenly treats nuts and seeds as a threat and releases antibodies that cause the allergic reaction.

Why me?

Evidence shows certain ethnicities are more prone to certain allergies.

What are the symptoms?

Range from sneezing and watering eyes to facial swelling, hives and, in worst cases, anaphylaxis.

How do I know if I have an allergy?

A simple blood test is all you need. Book yours now

Did You Know?

Around 10% of the population in the Middle East are affected by nasal allergies (e.g. dust).

Why is there an allergy test for Middle Eastern ethnicities?

Surprising as it may seem, certain races and ethnicities are more likely to experience an allergic reaction to certain foods and substances than others. Pet allergies appear to affect white British more than non-white. South Asians (people of Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi descent) appear more susceptible to anaphylaxis, the most severe allergic reaction to some foods. If you are of Middle Eastern ethnicity, recent evidence suggests you are more likely to be allergic to dust mites. Cow’s milk and egg allergies are common, especially amongst the young. And even allergies that have traditionally been more prevalent in other ethnicities (e.g. peanuts), appear to be increasing.

What are the symptoms of an allergy?

Dust allergies typically result in watery eyes, a runny nose, sneezing, itching and sometimes shortness of breath.

A food allergy can affect many areas of the body, often at the same time. Symptoms can include:

  • Wheezing and shortness of breath
  • Persistent coughing
  • Vomiting
  • A raised, red, itchy rash anywhere on the body (hives)
  • Swelling around the face, particularly the eyes, lips, tongue and roof of the mouth
  • Dizziness

Severity of allergic reactions can vary. The most severe reaction, anaphylaxis, can be life threatening. If you experience shortness of breath, feel faint and have clammy skin and a racing heartbeat, dial 999.

How do I get tested?

Better2Know offers a simple blood test designed to test for a range of allergies common amongst Middle Eastern ethnicities, including:

  • Food
  • Cod
  • Cow’s Milk
  • Egg White
  • Soya Bean
  • Peanut
  • Wheat
  • Dust
  • House dust Mite
  • Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus
  • Dermatophagoides farina
  • Blatella germanica

Once you know whether and what substances you are allergic to, you can avoid or treat the allergies with confidence.

To book your test, contact Better2Know now on the number above.