It is possible to be allergic to the drugs and materials used during an operation, and the reaction can be serious. So how do you know if you are affected?
Can I have an allergic reaction during an operation?
Yes, you could suffer a reaction to the drugs used during your surgery, to the anaesthetic, or even to things like the latex used in surgical gloves.
I am worried about my operation. Can this test help?
Yes, it you are worried about your operation, testing for anaphylaxis can give you peace of mind, and reduce risk.
What are the symptoms?
The most worrying symptom is anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that can be life threatening, although rarely causes death during operations.
How do I know if I will develop an allergic reaction during my operation?
A simple blood test is all you need. Book yours now.
Did You Know?
Worldwide estimates of the numbers of allergic reactions during operations vary. They could be as high as 1 in 2,500 or as low as 1 in 25,000.
Can my operation trigger an allergic reaction?
It is not a well-known allergy, but it is possible for you to develop an allergic reaction whilst on the operating table. You will not be allergic to the procedure itself, but you may have an allergy to the drugs or tools used during the operation.
What causes the reaction?
Causes can vary. You could be allergic to blood thinners or antibiotics used in surgery. Contact with materials such as latex (used in surgeons’ gloves) can trigger reactions. And the anaesthetic contains agents which can also cause an allergic reaction, albeit rarely.
The allergy itself is caused by your body’s reaction to certain drugs or substances. It releases antibodies to fight what it mistakenly sees as a threat. The chemicals released by those antibodies are what result in your symptoms.
What sort of allergic reaction might I have?
As with all allergies, symptoms can vary. A mild allergy to latex, for example, may result in little more than a temporary rash. But in its most severe form, an allergy can trigger anaphylaxis. When anaphylaxis occurs during an operation it is known as ‘perioperative anaphylaxis’.
Anaphylaxis also has degrees of severity ranging from hives (rashes) and swelling to difficulty breathing and low blood pressure. Potentially, anaphylaxis can lead to death.
The problem for surgeons during an operation is that spotting the signs of anaphylaxis is made more complicated. You are unconscious, so cannot, for example, complain of feeling dizzy or say that you are struggling to breathe. Other medications used in the procedure can also cloud the picture.
Deaths due to anaphylaxis whilst in the operating theatre are extremely rare, because once symptoms are identified you are in the ideal place to deal with them. But knowing beforehand whether you are at increased risk of anaphylaxis during your operation can reduce risk, enable surgeons and anaesthetists to arrange alternative products, and put your mind at ease – particularly welcome if you are worried about your operation.
How do I get tested?
Better2Know’s perioperative anaphylaxis testing can help you understand the likelihood of suffering an allergic reaction during your operation.
To get tested, please contact Better2Know on the number above.