
Pneumonia Immunity Test

Testing for:

Immunity to pneumonia

Babies, people with long term health conditions and over-65s are particularly at risk from pneumococcal infections including pneumonia. Vaccinations are not always effective, but blood testing can tell you whether you are immune.


What is pneumonia?

An infection that inflames one or both lungs. It can range from mild to life-threatening.

What does pneumonia testing do and why is it important?

It tests for a type of antibody which indicates immunity to pneumococcal infections like pneumonia. That iss particularly important for over-65s and those with long term health conditions, for whom infection can be more serious.

What are the symptoms?

Common symptoms include a phlegmy cough, fever, difficulty breathing and chest pains.

How do I get tested?

Book a simple blood test now.

Did You Know?

Pneumococcal infections do not just include pneumonia. They can also lead to meningitis and septicaemia (blood poisoning).

What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia is caused by a bacterial, viral or fungal infection which inflames the tissue in one or both lungs. The air sacs within the lungs fill with fluid which can make breathing difficult. Pneumonia can develop over a period of time or come on quickly (over a day or two). It can be mild, but it can also be life threatening.

Symptoms of pneumonia

Common symptoms of pneumonia include a phlegmy cough, a temperature, running hot and cold with sweats and shivers, chest pains and difficulty breathing even when you are resting. Less common symptoms include nausea, coughing up blood, headaches and joint pain. Older people may become confused and disorientated.

Does the pneumococcal vaccine only protect against pneumonia?

No. The pneumococcal vaccine protects against a range of pneumococcal (bacterial) infections which include pneumonia, but which also include meningitis and septicaemia (blood poisoning). As a baby, you probably received vaccination against 13 strains of pneumococcal bacteria. The adult vaccination protects against 23 strains.

Can I get pneumonia if I have been immunised?

Yes. You can get pneumonia and other pneumococcal infections even if you have been vaccinated. This could happen for two reasons:

  • Not all forms of pneumonia are bacterial, therefore the vaccine will be ineffective against non-bacterial versions
  • The vaccine is not always effective even against bacterial forms. Depending on the type of vaccine and the type of pneumococcal infection, studies show that in over 65s its effectiveness varies from 45-85%.

What should I do if I think I have pneumonia?

See your GP if you have any of the above symptoms, and seek urgent attention if you are coughing blood, have chest pains, difficulty breathing or feel confused.

What does pneumonia testing do?

Better2Know's pneumococcal immunity testing checks for a certain antibody within your blood that indicates whether you have immunity to pneumococcal infections such as bacterial pneumonia.

Knowing whether you are immune is important, particularly if you have long-term health issues, a damaged immune system or if you are over 65. In all these cases contracting pneumonia can be serious and possibly life threatening, and the risk of complications such as septicaemia and pleurisy increases.

Knowing whether you are immune can help you understand whether you need to take further action to protect yourself, such as additional or alternative vaccinations.

How do I get tested?

To get tested, please contact Better2Know on the number above.