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STI Clinics Glasgow

Find a Glasgow sexual health clinic near you

Better2Know's sexual health clinics are conveniently located throughout Glasgow, including the city centre, West End, Kelvinside and Paisley. Our private clinics offer same-day and next-day appointments so you can be seen quickly for your own peace of mind. You may choose to remain anonymous and your appointment is completely confidential.

Our extensive range of STI screens and tests are designed with your sexual health concerns in mind. Available at selected sexual health clinics in Glasgow, our Instant tests provide rapid results for up to seven sexually transmitted infections: HIV, Herpes, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea.

Locate your nearest Better2Know clinic in Glasgow by using the interactive map of the city below. Click ‘View Details’ to see the list of tests offered in each location.

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Nurse Stations

What’s this?

Popular STI tests and screens available in Glasgow:

Appointment availability at our Glasgow Better2Know clinics

Better2Know’s private GUM clinics in Glasgow are staffed by welcoming, discreet and experienced clinicians who will make your experience as stress-free as possible. Appointments are available six days a week, meaning you can arrange your anonymous STI test for a time and date that suits you.

We also provide a variety of home testing options. This includes our exclusive Everywhere service which combines our selection of STI tests with a private nurse visit to a location of your choice. You can choose to meet your personal nurse at your home, work or the hotel you might be staying at.

Alternatively, you could even have your samples collected at Better2Know’s nurse station in Glasgow. It is entirely up to you. Your Better2Know nurse will collect your samples and send them to our accredited laboratory for fast, accurate testing.

Do you need some help with STI testing in Glasgow?

Better2Know’s screens and tests will give you a comprehensive view of your sexual health status. We can test you for over a dozen sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis and Herpes.

Should you test positive for an STD, we will always help you with the next steps including access to the required treatment. You can use the Better2Know Partner Notification System to let any previous partners know that they may also need to be tested.

If you would prefer, you can speak to a doctor before your STI test for further guidance. Your private doctor can also discuss your results and provide a prescription for the medication you need after you have tested positive for an STI. Simply book a consultation appointment as your next step.

Speak to us in confidence

Better2Know’s highly trained sexual health advisors are on hand 24/7. You can ask them any additional questions before booking your confidential STI test. Phone them today on the number above. You can also anonymously message them now by using our live chat.
